The Sisters - James Joyce (1914)

 I read this short story similar to “Doubt” by John Patrick Shanley. There is also Father Flynn who is preist. Its story about Flynn and Sister Aloysius is arguing whether Flynn made a sexual assault on his church boy or not. In “Doubt” the boy was the first student who was black in the school. However, Father Flynn was kind to him. Sister Aloysius was doubting because Flynn was extremely kind to the boy, and Flynn is saying because he was the only black in the school so he should take care more. However, “The Sisters” of James Joyce shows suspicion because of the boy and Father Flynn as too close. 

Both stories don’t have the answer and a clear ending. It makes doubt to readers. However, I am wondering if this doubt, just because the reason that they are too close is reasonable. (791words)


  1. I remember the movie version for this with Meryl Streep. It is a very good movie, and yes - the topic is similar. I wonder if Father Flynn is a coincidence or if Shanley borrowed it from The Sisters? Hmm. Good reference.


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